Parish Bulletin Mass sheet (115)
The Mass Sheet and Parish Bulletin contains the congregational parts of the Mass: Antiphons, Psalm and Gospel Acclamation, etc. along with the Reading references. The Priest has the flexibility of selecting the Eucharistic Prayer he feels appropriate and a Penitential Act from those printed. The reverse is blank for parish news. The Mass Sheet and Parish Bulletin, is an A4 flat sheet. Pack of 100 sheets.
Today’s Mass Portrait (120)
Today's Mass is a Newsletter with the Antiphons, Prayers, and Readings for each Sunday of the year, printed in two colours according to the Sunday or Feast of the day. The reverse is left blank for your parish news. The Today's Mass is an A4 flat sheet and is printed portrait. Supplied in pack of 100 sheets.
Today’s Mass Landscape (122)
Today's Mass is a Newsletter with the Antiphons, Prayers, and Readings for each Sunday of the year, printed in two colours according to the Sunday or Feast of the day. The reverse is left blank for your parish news. The Today's Mass is an A4 flat sheet and is printed landscape. Supplied in pack of 100 sheets.
Our Faith on Sunday Portrait (125)
PLEASE NOTE THIS DESCRIPTION AND WEBSITE WILL BE CHANGED FROM ADVENT 2024 OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is a brightly coloured Newsletter with a brief synopsis of the Liturgy, a Gospel Reflection and articles on Catholic faith and spirituality. The reverse is left blank for your parish news. OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is an A4 flat sheet and is available in landscape and portrait versions. Supplied in pack of 100 sheets.
Our Faith on Sunday Landscape (135)
PLEASE NOTE THIS DESCRIPTION AND WEBSITE WILL BE CHANGED FROM ADVENT 2024 OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is a brightly coloured Newsletter with a brief synopsis of the Liturgy, a Gospel Reflection and articles on Catholic faith and spirituality focusing particularly on the Year of Faith. The reverse is left blank for your parish news. OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is an A4 flat sheet and is available in landscape and portrait versions.
A3 Our Faith on Sunday (140)
PLEASE NOTE THIS DESCRIPTION AND WEBSITE WILL BE CHANGED FROM ADVENT 2024 The A3 Our Faith on Sunday is a combination of Our Faith on Sunday & Today's Mass providing the proper of the Sunday along with articles on Catholic spirituality. The blank reverse gives ample room for larger or multiple parish news. The A3 Our Faith on Sunday is a flat sheet, 420 x 297mm, printed in colour.
Our Faith on Sunday Portrait (125-1)
PLEASE NOTE THIS DESCRIPTION AND WEBSITE WILL BE CHANGED FROM ADVENT 2024 OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is a brightly coloured Newsletter with a brief synopsis of the Liturgy, a Gospel Reflection and articles on Catholic faith and spirituality. The reverse is left blank for your parish news. OUR FAITH ON SUNDAY is an A4 flat sheet and is available in landscape and portrait versions. Supplied in pack of 100 sheets.